Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Last Fifteen Seconds

As I grasp for the ledge above me, I hear the thick noise of the ground breaking apart. A rippling current flows through the dry, cracking earth beneath my feet and suddenly smoke burns my eyes.
I gasp in realization and the smoke grips my throat. There is burning in my lungs like I've swallowed lit matches. My parched feels as though I'm drinking acid. My ears ring in terror like screaming sirens. I can taste the bitter sulfur on the back of my teeth and my tongue recoils in disgust.
I fall to my hands and knees, gagging, and splitting the flesh on my palms. Warm tears begin to run fiercely from my stinging eyes. Lava, burning crimson like the glistening blood coating my bare hands that are full of crushed and splintered rock, boils out of the rifts and spills through the miniscule valleys of the focky slope above me. Angry steam hisses through the newest cracks in the ground and tephra with the viscosity of molten tar sputters out of the vents and cascades around me. Panic burns through my chest and my limbs jerk beyond my control. I can hear the monster scream in rage. I force my weak knees to lift me up. My nausea and light-headedness increase as I sway uneasily on my feeble feet. I wipe my sore wet hands on my rough jeans as I look for a quick escape but i only see the side of the ridged and uneven mountain I just climbed - volcano, I correct myself. My aching hands are nothing compared to the searing of the tiny droplets that spray the backs of my arms.
The ground groans and shakes once more, preparing to--
The End

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